Whether you've been single for a long time or are new in these Christian dating streets, every single woman of God has wondered a time or two, whether her desire for marriage is from the Lord or a carnal desire based solely upon societal norms.

The answer to the question "Did God give me the desire for marriage or is it a worldly desire?" is actually quite simple. Take into account who God is, a loving Father, and who you are, his beautiful daughter who is a masterpiece of your creator. God literally put you together piece by piece, intentionally and lovingly. Every bit of who you are has been pre-determined by God on the day you were formed within your mother's womb.
Here are three valuable points about your desire for marriage (and not just any marriage, a heaven-ordained marriage) to prayerfully consider:
Your desire for marriage is FROM God. There is nothing evil, ungodly, or wrong about desiring to have a family. All of your deep-rooted and beautiful desires are birthed from within your born-again spirit.
Your desire for marriage is a part of your spiritual makeup. You don't just decide the type of woman you are created to be. God did that even before you were in your mother's womb. Stop wrestling with yourself and God. Accept and embrace who God created you to be.
Your desire can not be prayed away. Again, the desire is not a choice. You were either born with the gift of singleness, destined to a life of celibacy and total servitude to the Lord (such as a nun, think: Mother Theresa), or you are born with the gift of marriage, destined to serve God while you are waiting on your husband AND after you are married, serving as a wife and mother.
No matter how long it takes for your husband to find you and how many relationship mistakes you have made, that does not mean that your desire is not of or from God and that the Lord will not connect you with an amazing man of God. HE WILL. In his timing.
Want more healing words of faith? Watch this video called THE SIMPLEST REASON GOD WANTS YOU MARRIED, which will give you a quick boost of faith.
No matter how long it takes for your husband to find you and how many relationship mistakes you have made, that does not mean that your desire is not of or from God and that the Lord will not connect you with an amazing man of God. HE WILL. In his timing.