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God has you in "The Safe" - A Special Message for Christian Singles PART 1

Updated: Jan 15

If you've been single for a while, patiently waiting and praying for love and marriage you may experience moments of quietness and uncertainty.

You may not meet new potential soul mates very often or you're a woman who seldom dates. Not because you don't want to date, but because it seems as if you're living in "no-mans" land.

You know that land where all the men you run into seem already married or otherwise preoccupied. You're not approached or asked out often and it's really starting to take a toll on your self-esteem and your faith that God has a great husband out there for you.

Keep reading (this is part one of Sarita's Signature Talk series), I have some wonderful, assuring, and scripture-drenched encouragement for your heart!



How do you feel about your singleness and dating life right now?

Are you not dating or being asked out on dates much?
Do you feel as if you are attracting the very opposite of what you are praying for in a man?
Do you find yourself wondering why it seems like you have to pray in a miracle to meet a man of God you could see yourself with?

Trust me, you're not alone.

Although you may feel that something is wrong with you, the single season is all a part of God's plan for your life.

There is nothing wrong with you.

God has you in The Safe right now with him.

A safe is a secure location that houses one's most prized possessions. God's Safe is a place of special protection, where only he holds the key and he alone may grant access.

This is the most blessed place to be because it reveals your value in the eyes of God. He does not want any man enjoying your company who is not worthy of loving you properly. He also does not want any man to come into your life that could potentially damage your heart and spirit.

Think about the difference between costume jewelry and precious stones. Are precious stones and fine jewelry left out on the rack at Target? No.

You are not off-the-rack costume jewelry available for any and everyone to try on, touch, fondle, or even steal.

That's what the Lord was expressing to us in Proverbs 31:10.

You are like a rare, precious stone, kept in the special safe in the back of the jeweler, that is only displayed to those who can afford your high price AND are willing to pay to access your heart.

Actually, the Bible says you're MORE valuable than the most precious stones!

The Lord is protecting you in this season. This is wildly comforting.

Don't despise your heavenly protection. Embrace it! Allow God time to continue to mold and develop you into the perfect wife, helpmate, and missing rib for an amazing man.

And, allow God time to continue to mold and develop your future husband into the powerful and strong man of God the Lord requires him to be for your household.

Trust me, it's much better to stay in The Safe than to force your way out! You have free will and God will not make you stay under his protection.

Quiet seasons are signs of what God would have us to focus on during the wait. Focus on your relationship with God. Your service to humanity. Raising your children and showing them what it looks like to have faith and patience, up close and personal. Focus on your ministry assignment and growing as a godly woman.

This season in The Safe should be beautiful. It's only temporary 😉.

Read PART 2 of this series here on the blog. Watch this video teaching on YouTube.


The waiting season can be quiet. Check out this one-of-a-kind devotional that will help you understand your life’s purpose, grow in confidence as a woman, gain clarity about your desire for marriage, and help you remain hopeful as you await answered prayer! Grab your copy of


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